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Improve Culture and Scientific Methods to Prevent Memory Loss

september 2022 micro articles

Improve Your Company’s Culture By Maintaining Employee Happiness

There are certain businesses you walk into that just feel different. Everywhere you look, the employees are engaged, which is reflected in the way business is conducted. And their quarterly profits usually show just how much business is booming.

These businesses stumbled upon the secret that one great employee is often worth three average employees, and it’s cheaper to pay these superstars 150% or more of the average industry wage to keep them around. These employees are flexible problem-solvers who can weather any storm.

However, you may have employees who quit because they weren’t happy or adding value in their roles.

How do you keep your other employees from following in their footsteps?

One way is to set up an open exit where your employees give you a six- to eight-week warning that they are looking for another job. You can use that time to fill their role and train the new hire so there is no lapse in the transition period.

You can also pay your employees a better wage and offer benefits to keep them happy and engaged. When you work with these employees to make their lives easier, their flexibility becomes a gift rather than a burden.

Unhappy employees can spell doom for your business, so do everything in your power to keep your team happy.

2 Scientific Methods To Prevent Memory Loss

It can be difficult growing older and realizing that your memory isn’t as strong as it once was. You may try to eat supplements or do brain exercises on your tablet, but there are strategies you can implement to enhance your memory.

Aim for mastery, not relative performance

Researchers at Nagoya University in Japan have found that mastery‑approach goals (i.e., developing your own competence) enhance memory of newly learned material, whereas performance approach goals (i.e., comparing yourself to others) can create “tenuous connections” in memory. The authors concluded the study by saying, “Motivation factors can influence inhibition and forgetting.”

Simply ask the questions

A 2016 study from the European Journal of Social Psychology found that thinking more abstractly can actually reduce memory issues. The study examined how levels of “construal” (examination and interpretation) can affect memory, and their results suggested that “abstract thinking can eliminate retrieval-induced forgetting because of relational processing, demonstrating the roles of the levels of construal on memory inhibition.”

In other words, if you know the “how” and “why” behind things you intend to remember, you’ll be more likely to remember them.

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