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Cloud Computing: What is it and How Does it Work?

Firstly, what does this term mean? The word “cloud” relates to the cloud computing representation used historically to illustrate the telephone network and more recently to represent the Internet in computer diagrams. So, it’s basically a metaphor for the Internet. Overall, cloud computing is a rather an ambiguous term that takes in a number of […]

IT System Downtime – What’s Your Priority?

Most business managers and their IT leaders don’t really have the time to look at the future of the way they handle and use IT. In the current economic climate when many companies are trying to cope with shrinking budgets moving forward with your IT strategy is very low on everyone’s to do list. These […]

How To Deal With A Computer Meltdown

When a computer decides to go belly up and pretty much throw in the towel, it is only normal to feel an immediate and consuming sense of panic. After this comes the decision to seek out the best computer repair at any expense necessary to make sure all is not lost. However, sensibly speaking, there […]

5 questions you need to ask your managed IT service provider

Let's start with the basic question. What are managed IT services? They are essentially fixed-fee or subscription-based services to perform proactive, reactive, and daily operational tasks to resolve IT-related issues for end users and IT staff. The purpose of managed IT services is to maintain the infrastructure to provide availability and smooth operation to your […]

3 Common BDR Misconceptions

Finding a good Backup and Disaster Recovery (BDR) solution is not as easy as it seems. With so many options and providers out there - it's easy to get lost in the hussle and bustle. And though many solutions are re-branded versions of the same product, they each offer unique advantages that may seem appealing. […]

Technology Makes the World Go Around

During a period of slow global economic growth, the opportunity presents itself for emerging industries to gain recognition and a top spot in place of failing businesses. In the scenario of our most recent worldwide economic slowdown, IT has come out on top as a powerful driver of growth in nearly every developed country. Newer […]

Cutting IT costs is no longer a priority

  IT industry leaders can be very critical of their own performance. In general, both business and IT leaders can be more negative about general IT performance than they were in past surveys, a new study from McKinsey states. Specifically though, the IT executives in the survey "scored or judge their own effectiveness in the […]

Microsoft Makes Changes to Privacy Policy After Accessing Blogger's Hotmail to Investigate Ex Employee

Outcries, over the privacy implications of accessing private Hotmail accounts, came shortly after Microsoft defended itself against how it accessed a bloggers private account to find out if a former employee stole trade secrets. Microsoft is now making a change to its privacy policy. This change would require its legal team to look into individual […]

Your Business Continuity Plan May Be Flawed or Nonexistant - Here is Why

Before creating a good business continuity plan, let’s outline the business continuity types, which must be considered when compiling a business continuity plan. The one thing you should really know, which your IT service provider may not clearly define, is that most backup & disaster recovery solutions are simply that – backup & disaster recovery. […]

Oppia, Google’s New Open Source Project That Allows Anyone To Create An Interactive Learning Experience

It's hard to learn to play the piano just by watching a video of a great pianist. Interactive learning is much more effective! oppia.org helps you make embeddable interactive educational "explorations" that let people learn by doing. The second experiment, quietly announced on Google's Open Source Blog, was the launch of Oppia, a project that […]

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