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WSJ writer gives Twitter password to the internet and the obvious happens

We put a ton of trust in technology everyday, but are you confident enough in two-factor authentication to give out any of your passwords? Christopher Mims of The Wall Street Journal is. In a post on the site proclaiming that passwords are "finally dying," Mims extolls the virtues of the secure login method immediately after […]

Smartphones Of The Future: 6 Cool Technologies

What will smartphones do next? Check out these technologies and ideas for next-gen gadgets. First up, why do we still call that familiar little friend in our pocket a "smartphone"? A phone? Sure, we still make or take calls, but it's high time the name of the device changed to reflect the use we're making […]

Standardize EMRs, For Security & Safety's Sake

Electronic medical records help healthcare organizations improve patient care, but lack of standardization could cause safety and security problems. The foundation hospitals built when they overwhelmingly adopted electronic medical records is trembling under the weight of concerns over security and lack of standardization. Healthcare organizations already see plenty of benefits from EMRs. The Internet is […]

Microsoft debugs Explorer, Windows with Patch Tuesday updates

Another month of security updates from Microsoft means, once again, another round of fixes for the company's Internet Explorer (IE) Web browser, as well as a set of updates for the Windows operating system, for both the server and desktop editions. Overall, Microsoft has issued six bulletins in July's "Patch Tuesday" collection of software fixes. […]

US Senate Intelligence Committee approves cybersecurity bill

The U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee approved Tuesday a cybersecurity bill that would pave the way for sharing of information between government and the private sector on security threats. Senate Intelligence Committee Chairwoman Dianne Feinstein, a Democrat from California, and Vice Chairman Saxby Chambliss, a Republican from Georgia, said that the committee had approved the bill […]

Vulnerability in AVG security toolbar puts IE users at risk

Implementation issues with AVG Secure Search, a browser toolbar from antivirus vendor AVG Technologies that's supposed to protect users from malicious websites, could have allowed remote attackers to execute malicious code on computers. The toolbar, also known as AVG SafeGuard, supports Google Chrome, Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox running on Windows XP and later, and […]

Why IT monitoring is dominating spending priorities

Monitoring IT networks, systems and devices is the top spending priority of IT managers for 2014, according to a new report. Some 58% of IT managers will invest their budgets in monitoring this year, the results show. Over 550 IT managers, across Europe, were surveyed for the paper. The prioritization of IT monitoring has raced […]

The top 5 reasons for monitoring your network

Monitoring an IT network is an essential part of any business' routine processes, yet so many companies fail to make sure they do this properly. The risks of not monitoring a network are numerous. Among these, a failure to do so can lead to serious IT stability problems, as well as performance and reliability issues. […]

5 Steps To Storm-Proof Your Data

With proper preparation, cloud-based disaster recovery will enable your organization to weather the season of storms and power outages. The season of power outages has arrived. We can expect coastal tropical storms and hurricanes and Midwest twisters and tornadoes to bring us a season of outages and, unfortunately, lots of loss. Government agencies, if not […]

Google, Microsoft and Instagram rush to fix Flash flaw that could steal your data

Yet another critical security flaw has been found for Adobe's notoriously sieve-like Flash plug-in, this time by Google Engineer Michele Spagnuolo. His exploit tool, called "Rosetta Flash" is just a proof of concept, but could allow hackers to steal your cookies and other data using malicious Flash .SWF files. The exploit is well known in […]

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