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16 Cybersecurity Tips to Keep Your Business Data Protected



Since Cyberattacks can come from any source or Cybercriminals can have access to your business' data with just one employee falling victim to a scam, we give you 16 tips to keep in mind and share throughout your organization:

Tip #1: Think before you click

By using personal information, current events, hot-button topics, and more, cybercriminals will create enticing headlines to try to trick you into clicking on a malicious link.  Inspect every link and stop and think before you click.

Tip #2: Use multi-factor authentication (MFA)

If a cybercriminal gets their hands on your password, multi-factor authentication (MFA) can prevent them from successfully logging into your account! MFA requires an additional form of verification outside of your password to help protect you.

Tip #3: Keep up with updates

Software updates are often issued to fix security flaws that could be exploited by a malicious actor. Updates can also provide new or enhanced features, and more! Keep up with updates for your security and to improve your user experience!

 Tip #4: Backup your data

Hackers aren’t always interested in stealing your data. In some instances, encrypting or erasing your data is their end-goal. Make sure you have data backups at work and at home, so you don’t lose important files.

Tip #5: Ensure you understand all policies and procedures

Understanding your organization’s policies and procedures is an essential part of your position. Policies help you understand what’s acceptable behavior while procedures help ensure your organization has consistent steps to follow when necessary.

Tip #6: Don’t overshare on social media

It’s fun to share on social media networks, but beware. Cybercriminals can learn a lot about their victims on social media, such as where you went to school, your pet’s name, and more, and can use that information for social engineering.

Tip #7: Security Awareness Training should be ongoing

Cybersecurity threats are constantly evolving as cybercriminals continuously learn new ways to trick their victims. Security training must be ongoing to keep employees up to date with threats, scams, and best practices.

Tip #8: Use your mobile devices securely

Some quick tips for securely using your mobile device include: Use a strong passcode, keep your device updated, only download apps from trusted sources, don’t send sensitive information via text or email, and perform backups.

Tip #9: Look out for phishing scams

88% of organizations worldwide experienced spear-phishing attempts last year. While some phishing scams are easy to spot, others can be difficult to detect. Carefully analyze every email and inspect the sender, language, links, and attachments.

Tip #10: Properly dispose of electronic media

Proper practices must be followed when disposing of electronic media at work or at home. Our devices contain a great deal of sensitive information, which could fall into the wrong hands if they’re not disposed of properly.

Tip #11: Create a cybersecurity-friendly culture

Ready for this one? Make cybersecurity fun by creating a cybersecurity-friendly culture! Practice strong cybersecurity habits and do your best to encourage and motivate your co-workers to do the same!

Tip #12: Monitor your credit & financial statements

Data breaches can lead to serious issues such as identity theft. Keep a close eye on your credit and financial statements to look for anything that seems unusual and if you do find something that seems amiss, act quickly.

Tip #13: Don’t underestimate a hacker’s interest in your data

Whether it’s your company’s data or your personal data, it’s worth something to a hacker. For example, if your password is compromised, a hacker could have easy access into your account, where they could steal more info or cause serious damage.

Tip #14: Virtually & physically secure sensitive information

Make sure you take the appropriate steps to safeguard sensitive information whether it’s virtual or physical. Keep your devices and workstations locked any time they’re left unattended and lock physical locations storing sensitive information as well.

Tip #15: Delete old accounts that you no longer use            

The more accounts you have online, the greater your security risk. Many of our old accounts contain outdated and potentially breached passwords. If you’re no longer using an account, it’s best to delete it to help protect your personal information.

 Tip #16: Encrypt your devices & data

Encryption helps you securely protect the data that you don’t want others accessing and is a great way to add an extra layer of security in the event your device or data falls into the wrong hands.

We hope these were useful. You can also check out this related content:

Source of statistic for reference: Proofpoint’s 2020 State of the Phish Report https://www.proofpoint.com/sites/default/files/gtd-pfpt-uk-tr-state-of-the-phish-2020-a4_final.pdf

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