Free Assessment

Get Your FREE Dark Web Scan

With more and more data breaches happening every day, it's likely your employees' information is being sold on the Dark Web.

Free Dark Web Scan For Your Business + Baseline Assessment

We will search the Dark Web for compromised credentials associated with your organization's entire domain and pinpoint the potential risks for your business.

Ready to Get Your Free Dark Web Scan?

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Let's stop a breach BEFORE it happens

>>> We put security first <<<

We offer a complimentary baseline security assessment that analyzes your business' dark web presence, simulated phishing response, and security awareness training scores to provide you with an overall look at your human-related security risk.

We Find What's Compromised

We scan the dark web based on your domain and find all accounts that have been involved in a breach. This information, including compromised credentials, is freely available on the dark web.

What Would Your Employees Do?

Having compromised information on the dark web can increase your risk of receiving a phishing email. See what your employees do when sent a fake phishing email and assess your human vulnerabilities.

Remediation with Education

We provide you with engaging, video-based security awareness training. Educate your employees on the risks they face so you can help them better protect themselves and your business.

But Why?

Cybercriminals take advantage of businesses with limited budgets. Technology alone isn't enough when employees are opening the door for cybercriminals. Let's help your employees keep the door locked.
Get Your Free Dark Web Scan
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